Pose Pack no. 21 + Simple Pose Pack!
Pose Pack no. 21 + Simple Pose Pack!
Pose Pack no. 21 Pose Pack no. 21 Simple Pose Pack ...
Pose Pack no. 21 Pose Pack no. 21 Simple Pose Pack ...
Mesh credits: IN3S (her blog is down) Stencils credits: a-Sonrix, PrettyLadySwag, Chokolathosza (deviantart) Tops are recolorable (stencils aren't recolorable) CC Credits: Modish Kitten Icia Skylar ...
New poses for your sims (: Enjoy! Facial expressions List compatible ...
Hey guys! Everything that I'm posting now are my old works. Male pose pack from previous post and these tops are made 1 month ago.. I know that my clothes aren't perfect and beautiful but I very enjoy making them. Thank you for all your comments! :) Here is something special for you! Top 1 Top 2 Top 3...
First male pose pack! Enjoy (: List compatible ...
My first top! It's avaible for YA/A and categorized as everyday. Non-recolorable! You can just make it darker/lighter or change colour. Maybe top isn't gorgeous, but I tried, someone may like it. xD Since this is my first project like this, let me know if you'll have any problems. Enjoy! (: *sims3pack CC Credits: JS Sims Peggy Tifa Simtorr...
I hope you like it. Enjoy! xD Facial expressions List compatible Credits: Shock&Shame Modish Kitten Dasha Kirilova Pixicat JS Sims Lorandia Sepentrogue (TSR) S-Club I Like The Sims Iwritesimsnottragedies Gelisims Glaza ...